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The software provided herein is free for academic instruction and research use only. Commercial licenses are available to legal entities, including companies and organizations (both for-profit and non-profit), requiring the software for general commercial use. To obtain a commercial license please, contact us via e-mail.


This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The code should not be modified and/or redistributed without the permission of the authors.

Item File(s)
PolyPhen-2 standalone source code, see INSTALL
file included for installation instructions


Item File(s)
PolyPhen-2 bundled databases (6.5G) polyphen-2.2.3-databases-2021_05.tar.bz2
Precomputed MLC protein alignments (2.4G) polyphen-2.2.2-alignments-mlc-2011_12.tar.bz2
Precomputed MultiZ genomic alignments (1.8G) polyphen-2.2.2-alignments-multiz-2009_10.tar.bz2
PDB/DSSP structural databases snapshot (38G) polyphen-2.2.3-databases-pdb-dssp-2021_05.tar.bz2
MD5 checksums for all databases tarballs md5sum.txt


Item File(s)
HumDiv & HumVar training sets README
Whole human exome sequence space annotations README


Item Description File(s)
Nat Methods 7, 248-9 (2010) PolyPhen-2 paper PDF Supplement
Nucleic Acids Res 30, 3894-900 (2002) PolyPhen paper PDF
Protein Eng 12, 387-94 (1999) PSIC paper PDF
downloads.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/06 12:31 by ivan

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