Table of Contents

Joint Likelihood Mapping (JLIM) 2.5

JLIM is a cross-trait test for shared causal effect described in Chun et al. Nature Genetics 2017. JLIM tests whether two traits – primary and secondary – are driven by shared causal effect or not. Typically, the primary trait is a large GWAS study, and the secondary trait is an expression Quantitative Trait Loci (eQTL) association study. JLIM needs only summary-level association statistics for both primary and secondary traits but can also run on permutation data generated from individual-level genotype data. The latest version is 2.5.0.


Source code 2.5.0 (tar.gz) released May 11, 2021.


1. JLIM core module is implemented as an R extension (jlimR). R (version 3.6 or newer) and getopt package are required to run JLIM. The getopt package can be installed by running:

 Rscript -e 'install.packages("getopt", repos="")' 

2. [Optional] JLIM provides a built-in support for the eQTL Catalogue data format. To use this feature, seqminer and dplyr packages are needed. Install these packages as follows:

 Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("seqminer", "dplyr"), repos="")' 

3. [Optional] To read GTEx parquet files, JLIM uses arrow package with snappy codec. This package is necessary only if GTEx parquet files are used. The arrow package can be installed as below (See here for the full installation instruction):

 Rscript -e 'Sys.setenv(LIBARROW_BINARY="false"); Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN="true"); install.packages("arrow", repos="")' 

4. After this, jlimR (included in the distribution file) can be installed by:

 R CMD INSTALL jlimR_2.5.0.tar.gz

5. [Optional] We provide an optional Python module to generate permutation data for meta-analyzed secondary trait cohorts. This feature is not needed for typical eQTL analyses. To use this functionality, the following packages are additionally required:

6. We provide pre-processed reference genotype panels to go with JLIM. Reference genotype panels should be downloaded separately and unpacked before running JLIM:

Change Log

Changes to 2.5

Changes to 2.0

How to Run JLIM

Example data for eQTL analysis

We provide Multiple Sclerosis (MS) GWAS data and Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines (LCL) eQTL data for two loci (chr1:160,697,074-160,933,065 and chr12:57,626,582-58,488,667) in the examples/ directory. The MS GWAS data are from IMSGC. Nature Genetics 2013, and the LCL eQTL data are from Lappalainen et al. Nature 2013 (Geuvadis; non-Finnish Caucasian samples only).

To test if the MS GWAS peak colocalizes with SLAMF7 eQTL in LCL, run JLIM as follows: --maintr-file examples/MS/MS.1.160697074.160933065.txt \
--sectr-file examples/LCL/locus.1.160697074.160933065/LCL.SLAMF7_ENSG00000026751.11.assoc.linear.gz \
--ref-ld refld.1kg.nfe.b37/ \
--index-snp 1:160711804 \
--output-file examples/MS-Geuvadis_LCL_SLAMF7.out \
--sectr-sample-size 278

The command line arguments are as below:

By default, a 200-kb analysis window is set up centered at the specified index SNP. In the analysis window, JLIM uses only the SNPs that are shared across all data: namely, primary and secondary trait association files and reference genotype panel. InDels, rare variants (MAF < 5%), tri-allelic SNPs and duplicated SNPs are excluded from the analysis. All input data files should be mapped to the same genome assembly.


JLIM generates an output file as below (examples/MS-Geuvadis.LCL.SLAMF7.out). The full details on the output columns can be found here. Note that JLIM reports an empirical pvalue of 0 when a sampled null distribution does not produce a statistic as or more extreme than the actual statistic. In such a case, the expectation of true p-value is less than 1 over executedPerm (the total count of permutation/sampling), namely, 1/10,000 in this example. The total number of sampling/permutation iterations can be controlled by the ''--max-perm''.

userIdxBP actualIdxBP STAT pvalue usedSNPsNo startBP endBP sectrSampleSize sectrGeneName executedPerm desc
160711804 160711804 3.75229222129719 0 106 160698276 160807409 278 NoGeneName 10000 executed

eQTL Catalogue support:

A user can run JLIM against remote datasets available in eQTL Catalogue using RESTful API. For this, we provide the option –sectr-ref-db eQTLCatalogue:remote. The secondary trait association file (–sectr-file) should be an eQTL Catalogue dataset name: e.g. GENCORD_ge_LCL for GENCORD_ge_LCL.all.tsv.gz. The full list of available datasets in eQTL Catalogue can be found here (See the ftp_path column). JLIM will test for the colocalization against all genes for which cis-eQTL association data are available. With the –sectr-ref-db option, the sample size of eQTL dataset will be automatically loaded into the test. We also support running JLIM on a local download of eQTL Catalogue for heavy usage (See ''--sectr-db eQTLCatalogue'').

The eQTL Catalogue is based on the reference genome b38, thus b38 reference genotype panel should be used (e.g. –ref-ld refld.1kg.nfe.b38/). As an example, we provide an MS GWAS file lifted over from b37 to b38 (examples/MS/MS.1.160697074.160933065_38.txt). Note that some datasets in eQTL Catalogue are not from the non-Finnish European population. A user is responsible for assigning an appropriate reference genotype panel for such studies. --maintr-file examples/MS/MS.1.160697074.160933065_38.txt \
--sectr-file GENCORD_ge_LCL \
--ref-ld refld.1kg.nfe.b38/ \
--index-snp 1:160742014 \
--output-file examples/MS-GENCORD_ge_LCL.out \
--sectr-ref-db eQTLCatalogue:remote

This will produce the following results (See examples/MS-GENCORD_ge_LCL.out for the full output). The sectrGeneName of ENSG00000026751 corresponds to SLAMF7. By default, JLIM does not run a colocalization test unless a gene has at least one SNP with the association p-value < 0.05 in the analysis window. This is because there is not enough evidence for any genetic association to a secondary trait (e.g. ENSG00000066294 below), thus there is no need to test for colocalization of causative genetic effects between traits. This minimum p-value threshold can be lowered by using the option ''--min-pvalue''.

userIdxBP actualIdxBP STAT pvalue usedSNPsNo startBP endBP sectrSampleSize sectrGeneName executedPerm desc
160742014 160742014 4.01572683513747 0 115 160728486 160840829 190 ENSG00000026751 10000 executed
160742014 160742014 NA NA 91 160728486 160830769 190 ENSG00000066294 0 Second trait min pvalue is higher than threshold: 0.05
160742014 160742014 -1.92857440859272 0.618 92 160728486 160840829 190 ENSG00000117090 10000 executed
160742014 160742014 -1.22821917489519 0.3512 89 160728486 160830769 190 ENSG00000117091 10000 executed
160742014 NA NA NA 85 160766482 160840829 190 ENSG00000118217 0 index SNP has been filtered out.
160742014 NA NA NA 85 160766482 160840829 190 ENSG00000226889 0 index SNP has been filtered out.

In the above example, for some genes (e.g. ENSG00000118217 and ENSG00000226889), JLIM reports that “index SNP has been filtered out.” This is because, in the eQTL Catalogue, the associations were tested only for SNPs within +/- 1 Mb from the transcription start site of each gene. Therefore, for genes that are ~1 Mb away from the index SNP, eQTL association data are available only for a partial segment of the analysis window (160,766,482-160,840,829 in this case). JLIM automatically skips if the index SNP is not included in the analysis window. Users are responsible to additionally check if enough SNPs are included in the analysis window on both sides of index SNP by examining the startBP-endBP in the output file.

GTEx v8 support:

JLIM supports the GTEx v8 parquet data file format. The GTEx v8 summary statistics are available for download at GTEx Google Bucket. Specifically, we recommend using the European-American summary statistics (available in the GTEx_Analysis_v8_EUR_eQTL_all_associations subdirectory in the Google Bucket) instead of the full trans-ethnic association statistics. For the European-American GTEx v8 data, the sample size of eQTL data in each tissue can be automatically loaded with the option –sectr-ref-db GTEx.v8.EUR, and refld.1kg.nfe.b38 is recommended as a reference genotype panel. For other GTEx data, –sectr-ref-db option is currently not available. A user is responsible to provide the correct sample size of each tissue and matching reference LD panel. --maintr-file examples/MS/MS.1.160697074.160933065_38.txt \
--sectr-file your_download_path/GTEx_Analysis_v8_QTLs_GTEx_Analysis_v8_EUR_eQTL_all_associations_Cells_EBV-transformed_lymphocytes.v8.EUR.allpairs.chr1.parquet \
--ref-ld refld.1kg.nfe.b38/ \
--index-snp 1:160742014 \
--output-file examples/MS-GTEx_v8_EUR_LCL.out \
--sectr-ref-db GTEx.v8.EUR

Backward compatibility to JLIM 1.0 and 2.0:

Previous versions of JLIM required a pre-computed permutation file to run JLIM. We still support this mode to allow users to have full control of permutation with the –perm-file option. The –ref-ld option supports the downloadable reference panels new to v2.5 as well as reference LD files prepared by script in previous JLIM versions. If the –maintr-ld or –sectr-ld option is omitted, the reference LD will be assumed. See the backward compatibility section for further details on how to prepare input data. The following set of command line options will replicate the behaviors of previous versions of JLIM: --maintr-file examples/MS/MS.1.160697074.160933065.txt \
--sectr-file examples/LCL/locus.1.160697074.160933065/LCL.SLAMF7_ENSG00000026751.11.assoc.linear.gz \
--ref-ld refld.1kg.nfe.b37/ \
--sectr-ld examples/LCL/locus.1.160697074.160933065/LCL.ped.gz \
--perm-file examples/LCL/locus.1.160697074.160933065/LCL.SLAMF7_ENSG00000026751.11.mperm.dump.all.gz \
--index-snp 1:160711804 --output-file examples/MS-Geuvadis_LCL_SLAMF7-perm.out

Example data for meta-analyzed secondary trait cohort (JLIM 2.0)

JLIM 2.0 provides python scripts to generate permutation data for meta-analyzed secondary trait cohort. This allows to directly account for the subcohort-level variation in data processing and QC in meta-analyzed secondary trait data. For the details, see JLIM 2.0 examples.

Input File Format

Association statistics file

The association statistics files for primary and secondary traits should be either a Plink assoc file or space/tab-delimited table. For the latter, JLIM expects the columns for CHR (chromosome), BP (base pair position), and association statistics. The association statistics can be STAT, T, or P. If the association statistics files use column names which are different from the above default, the column names can be specified using the command line parameters without changing the original files.

Output File Format

By default, JLIM tests for the colocalization against all genes found in the secondary trait file. Each row in the output file corresponds to a test against each gene. The name of output file is specified by –output-file option. The columns in the JLIM output files have the following information:

Full List of Command Line Options

Primary trait association statistics file:

Secondary trait association statistics file:

LD and reference genotype panels:

JLIM analysis window:

P-value estimation:

GTEx and eQTL Catalogue support:

SNP filtering:

Other options:


JLIM 1.0

Limited statistical evidence for shared genetic effects of eQTLs and autoimmune-disease-associated loci in three major immune-cell types.
Chun S, Casparino A, Patsopoulos NA, Croteau-Chonka DC, Raby BA, De Jager PL, Sunyaev SR, Cotsapas C.
Nat Genet. 2017 Apr;49(4):600-605. doi: 10.1038/ng.3795.

JLIM 2.0

Leveraging pleiotropy to discover and interpret GWAS results for sleep-associated traits.
Chun S*, Akle S*, Teodosiadis A, Cade BE, Wang H, Sofer T, Evans DS, Stone KL, Gharib SA, Mukherjee S, Palmer LJ, Hillman D, Rotter JI, Hanis CL, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Redline S, Cotsapas C, Sunyaev SR.
PLoS Genet. 2022 Dec 27;18(12):e1010557. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010557.
 * equal contribution.