**Clintegrate: Integrated predictions of clinical risk ** [[https://clintegrate.herokuapp.com/|Clintegrate]] provides clinical risk assessments that are personalized for individuals who carry genetic variants in well-known disease genes such as //BRCA1// and //LDLR//. Many healthy people carry genetic variants in these disease genes, yet the risk of developing the related disorder is low for most of them. **//s_het//: Gene-based selection scores** On this [[http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/genescores/selection.html|site]], we share gene-based estimates of selection strength for heterozygous protein truncating variants. **Tocayo: Identifying related variants with evidence of pathogenicity** [[https://github.com/cassalab/tocayo|Tocayo]] is a pipeline for analyzing sequence variants which have evidence of pathogenicity according to the PS1, PM5, and PVS1 guidelines specified by the ACMG/AMP. Specifically, the pipeline is meant to analyze VUS in ClinVar and other unclassified nsSNVs. **FUSE:** [[https://github.com/cassalab/fuse|FUSE]] is a pipeline to refine and impute functional assay data. We develop a framework to exploit related measurements within and across experimental assays to jointly estimate variant impact. **Gene-based relevance scores from published literature** On this [[http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/genescores/publications.html|site]], we share gene-based estimates of relative clinical importance using the number of cited variants in each gene that are associated with disease.